
A-Projects are the projects that are of the highest priority to us.

We assume that with the realization of these A-Projects the most can currently be done for the sustainable improvement of the current catastrophic international nature and environmental situation (waste problem) – both with a view to the region in which the respective project is implemented, as well as with a view to other regions (due to the effect that the implementation of the regional project will inevitably have on a supra-regional level).

The following question plays a decisive role for us in the corresponding ‘classification’ of the projects: How comprehensive, how sustainable are the results that are achieved with the implementation of the project?

When choosing A-Projects, it is important for us to have a balanced relationship between the following projects:

Projects that raise public awareness of issues related to nature and environmental protection. (Ultimately, a change in the current situation will only be possible if you start ‘in the mind of the people’ .. !!)

Projects that relate to practical disposal and treatment measures for (plastic) waste in key regions (here, if possible, projects that aim at a ‘circular economy solution’ .. !!).

Our current A-Projects are:

Working title: “My environment and me”
Project object: Sustainable Sensitization of children and their parents to questions of nature and environmental protection

Regional allocation: Southeast Asia.

In this project, school children are invited to take part in a national competition to send in photos/drawings (by uploading them to a website) showing what you can do and are already doing to help the current natural and environmental environment – Improve the situation, especially with a view to the current (plastic-) waste situation.

In addition, photos/drawings of ideas and of signs/plaques can be sent in which point to the current problem with (plastic-) waste – and which show possible solutions.

The best entries will be awarded. Prices, for example: bicycles (first prices), school supplies (further prices).

Such an action inevitably results in:

– Considerable sensitization to questions of nature and environmental protection
– creating incentives for own practical measures

See also here (detailed project description as pdf file).

Working title: “Video clip for nature and the environment”
Project object: Sustainable sensitization of the public to questions of nature and environmental protection

Regional allocation: Southeast Asia.

Production of a video clip (length: approx. 30 seconds). Content: The current nature and environmental situation (especially the plastic waste situation); and: what everyone can do to improve this situation.

Distribution of this clip on social media services (WhatsApp, YouTube) – and on TV (with a corresponding budget).

Such an action inevitably results in:

– Considerable sensitization to questions of nature and environmental protection
– creating incentives for own practical measures

See also here (detailed project description as pdf file).

AP-03 (Project WNEP#03.01)
Working title: “Recycle plastic waste correctly”
Project object: Planning, construction and operation of a large-scale facility for recycling empty plastic beverage bottles (as a pilot project)

See here.

AP-04 (Project WNEP#04.01)
Working title: “Introduction of take-back systems”
Project object: Introduction of take-back systems for empty plastic and glass beverage bottles and for beverage cans

See here.

AP-05 (project WNEP#05.01)
Working title: “Support of international project groups”
Project object: Funding/support for other international project groups

See here.

AP-06 (project WNEP 220215-01)
Working title:
“Complex expansion of international nature and environmental protection projects that are already being implemented, in cooperation with other international project groups”
Subject of the project:
Complex expansion of nature conservation and environmental protection projects that are already being implemented at an international level (including projects from other project groups) for the timely improvement of the current global (plastic) waste and greenhouse gas situation.

See here (detailed project description as pdf file).

We are currently concentrating primarily on the realization of the A-Projects AP-01, AP-02 and AP-06.

We are looking for supporters who can help us to implement these projects (financial and personnel support).